Windows Webhosting and IIS7 on Windows Server Core 2008

This week at Tech-Ed Bob Muglia announced that IIS7 would be supported as a role in Windows Server Core 2008. If you’re not familiar with Server Core, it’s a trimmed down version of Windows Server 2008 with just the bare minimum bits needed to run. Over the past few months we’ve had the great pleasure here […] and IIS7 on Windows Server Core 2008 Read More »

Smartermail, Spamassassin, Virtuozzo VPSs

A follow up to Smartertools answers the cry on the fight against spam with smartermail 4.0. Alot of clients have been asking about how we’re handling spamassassin with Smartermail 4.0.  It’s no secret that spamassassin on a windows server runs horribly slow. If more than a handful of domains are involved I have no doubt

Smartermail, Spamassassin, Virtuozzo VPSs Read More » proudly sponsors a new webmaster forum

Applied Innovations is pleased to sponsor and we look forward to long and growing relationship with is an online webmaster and web developer forum that strives to become one of the premiere forums on the Internet. is ideal for the beginning web developer to the advanced web developer looking to share proudly sponsors a new webmaster forum Read More »

Smartertools answers the cry for help in the war on spam with SmarterMail 4.0

A few months ago we were invited by the smartertools team to become a beta tester for Smartermail 4.0. The biggest change in Smartermail 4.0 for us is the improved spam fighting techniques.  With the earlier versions of Smartermail, RBL checks and bayesian filtering was released, unfortunately spammers were already aware of bayesian filtering and had

Smartertools answers the cry for help in the war on spam with SmarterMail 4.0 Read More »

My website’s been hacked and I need to remove a folder named COM1

No not my website, but probably yours if you had anonymous FTP open.  So here’s the scenario, you have a website that somehow someone in some far away country has loaded all these french pirated movies, arabian rap songs and warez. They were crafty and placed all these files in a folder named com1, or

My website’s been hacked and I need to remove a folder named COM1 Read More »

FrontPage retires – Microsoft Expression Web is born and so begins the evolution of FrontPage hosting

The birth of a hosting company In 1999 when Applied Innovations was first launched, it didn’t really take off like a rocket ship as one would hope.   You see, I started on the Internet around 1991-1992 via FTP, Telnet, Usenet and ahh my long forgotten friend Gopher.  I remember firing up one of the very earliest

FrontPage retires – Microsoft Expression Web is born and so begins the evolution of FrontPage hosting Read More »

Become a Webhosting affiliate – make millions!!

Okay, maybe not millions but it’s definitely profitable to be a webhosting affiliate. I really haven’t blogged about our webhosting affiliate program but I suppose it’s about time I do. The Applied Innovations affiliate program pays $25 per referral. This means you put a special tracking URL on your website with nothing more than “We

Become a Webhosting affiliate – make millions!! Read More »

Applied Innovations is all grown up & Microsoft Certified Gold!

Applied Innovations ( (applied-eye is how we say it, most of our hosting clients call it app-lid-E) was merely an idea in November of 1998, in February of 1999 we took on our first webhosting clients and officially launched the company as a Microsoft Windows webhosting company running NT4 and IIS4.0 and offering both ASP & PERL on

Applied Innovations is all grown up & Microsoft Certified Gold! Read More »

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