Personal News

Barack Obama listens when Jess Coburns speaks er um tweets..

I started this post at the beginning of September and today saw something pretty amazing… I was adding people to follow on Twitter today (I have yet to figure out what to twit about) and after a few adds and tweets I got this email today: Finally, a Presidential Candidate that recognizes my brilliance!!  Ahh,

Barack Obama listens when Jess Coburns speaks er um tweets.. Read More »

AT&T offering DSL at $10/month for new subscribers

It’s not really hosting related but if you’re like me, you probably have half a dozen friends that haven’t jumped on the broadband train just yet because of the price. Well thanks to the AT&T, Bellsouth merger you’ll now be able to get DSL for $10/month in all of AT&T’s 22 states they service.   What’s even

AT&T offering DSL at $10/month for new subscribers Read More »

AT&T offering DSL at $10/month for new subscribers

It’s not really hosting related but if you’re like me, you probably have half a dozen friends that haven’t jumped on the broadband train just yet because of the price. Well thanks to the AT&T, Bellsouth merger you’ll now be able to get DSL for $10/month in all of AT&T’s 22 states they service.   What’s even

AT&T offering DSL at $10/month for new subscribers Read More »

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