Terminal Services Across Multiple Monitors

At work and home I have the same setup, dual monitors. I always RDP into my desktop these days instead of installing Outlook, Office, etc at home and I’ve always found myself not working in dual monitor mode because of this when working remotely.

Turns out you can use multiple monitors in Terminal Services afterall.

Enabling Multiple Monitors via RDP

To enable multiple monitors in an RDP session you’ll use the switch: /span  so you’ll start RDP with the command:

mstsc /span

When it loads just log into the machine as you normally do and your display will now span both monitors. The monitors will have to be the same resolution, only supports side-by-side configuration and a maximum resolution of 4096×2048

2 thoughts on “Terminal Services Across Multiple Monitors”

  1. Is there a way to have an application load on one monitor only. For example, when we open outlook, it spans both monitors. We want Outlook on one monitor and another application on the other. We have tried to size the applications appropriately and then file/exit. When we reenter the app, it spans the entire screen. Any thoughts?

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