WoW – Wordpress on Windows

Pimpin’ My WordPress Part 5 – Hiding Categories in WordPress

I’m using to post links to my blog on a daily basis in a seperate category called: Daily Links & Tidbits. The nice thing about this is that my blog is updated every single day. The bad thing is that if I don’t write an article for a couple days and only post links

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Pimpin’ My WordPress – Part 4 – Integrating Gallery2 & WordPress

I recently got my photogallery back online, it’s been down for about 9 months as I was pretty upset with Gallery2 (from I’ve been using gallery for about 4 or so years now and have over 6000 images in my gallery currently! Yes SIX THOUSAND. My gallery is 6GB in size in fact.  The

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Pimpin’ My WordPress – Part 4 – Integrating Gallery2 & WordPress

I recently got my photogallery back online, it’s been down for about 9 months as I was pretty upset with Gallery2 (from I’ve been using gallery for about 4 or so years now and have over 6000 images in my gallery currently! Yes SIX THOUSAND. My gallery is 6GB in size in fact.  The

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Pimpin’ My WordPress – Part 3 — Speeding up publishing.

Yesterday while publishing a new entry into my blog I started getting PHP timeout scripts. At first I thought it was a plug-in I just installed for testing and removed it, yet publishing was still sluggish. I then remembered a new change I made. I had enabled a boatload of ping servers in wordpress. I

Pimpin’ My WordPress – Part 3 — Speeding up publishing. Read More »

Pimpin’ My WordPress – Part 1

For this post series (my first post series) I want to highlight some of the wordpress plugins and extensions I’m using.  As noted I’m running wordpress on MySQL & PHP on a windows 2003 server running IIS6 hosted at Oh and since acronyms like WIMP (WTF? WIMP?!?!) are hot these days I have officially coined my

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