Author name: Jess

With a background in web development and web server administration dating back to 1994, Jess Coburn founded Applied Innovations in 1999. As CEO, he led the company to become a recognized leader in Windows Hosting, specializing in ASP.NET, E-Commerce, and advanced web application hosting. Under Jess's leadership, Applied Innovations became known for making cutting-edge technology accessible and affordable for businesses. Building on this success, Jess expanded his vision by founding QIT Solutions, a managed cloud, IT, and cybersecurity company, where he continues to leverage his extensive industry experience to deliver innovative and secure IT solutions to businesses.

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS!

Microsoft & Zend have partnered up to improve PHP performance on IIS (yet again!). Today on Bill Staples blog he talks about the great improvements being made: and really goes in depth with a nice demo on performance improvements being made. He has some nice screen captures, etc.   For me though, the best part is that […]

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS! Read More »

Internet Explorer 7 & Firefox Search Provider support added at

The Applied Innovations Webhosting Support Knowledgebase ( sees as many as 35,000 pageviews a day and as such we’re constantly looking for new ways to increase it’s ease of use for our webhosting clientbase.  Microsoft officially launched IE7 yesterday and we released our updated knowledgeable to coincide with the launch of IE7 and to leverage

Internet Explorer 7 & Firefox Search Provider support added at Read More »

Internet Explorer 7 & Firefox Search Provider support added at

The Applied Innovations Webhosting Support Knowledgebase ( sees as many as 35,000 pageviews a day and as such we’re constantly looking for new ways to increase it’s ease of use for our webhosting clientbase.  Microsoft officially launched IE7 yesterday and we released our updated knowledgeable to coincide with the launch of IE7 and to leverage

Internet Explorer 7 & Firefox Search Provider support added at Read More »

Lonely? Waiting for someone to write about your site? Looking for Link-Love? Now you can buy link-love! is a pretty interesting concept. You pay bloggers to write permanent blog articles about a page/product on your site. These articles get distributed, spidered and links all over and you get instant link love. What’s this mean? Hrm how about Increased PageRank, Trust, Brand Recognition and oh yes LINK LOVE BABY! Let’s face it

Lonely? Waiting for someone to write about your site? Looking for Link-Love? Now you can buy link-love! Read More »

Why support PHP, PERL, MySQL, etc on shared Windows Hosting?

Many Windows hosts today are proudly stating “we only support Microsoft technologies on Microsoft hosting” and they follow it up with such statements as “why support something that doesn’t have commercial support behind it? when there’s a problem who do you go to?” or “We don’t support these other scripting engines because they steal server resources

Why support PHP, PERL, MySQL, etc on shared Windows Hosting? Read More »

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