There’s a new database option available for PHP, It’s called SQL2005

Ever since Bill Staples first blogged about the collaborative work Microsoft was doing with Zend to improve PHP stability and performance on IIS, I’ve been giddy as a school girl. Having run a core component of the infrastructure that makes use of PHP and MySQL on IIS7 and making use of FastCGI and the new Windows CGI friendly DLLs/builds it’s made me even more giddy, PHP simply zips along these days on our windows servers and I can’t wait to move my blog to a box running FastCGI.  This week at ZendCon Bill announced some more good news: SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP.

From the Microsoft Data Blog:

The PHP Driver will deliver an API designed-to-enable reliable, scalable integration with SQL Server for PHP applications deployed on the Windows platform. Zend and Microsoft are working together with the PHP Community to ensure that the SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP is a great offering for PHP developers and part of Zend’s core PHP offering.

So that’s the good news, the bad news is we have to wait one more day, because the download won’t be available until October 11th at:

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