Heading to Mix 08 Next week!

image I’m Vegas bound once again. . . . Seems I was just there in November?!?!  This trip though is all business (yeah.. uh huh in Vegas . . . Keep telling yourself that Jess).

Anyway, looks like MIX has sold out once again but if you’re heading to Vegas and want to meet up feel free to drop me a note.

So far I know the following guys are heading to Mix:

  • Myself & Carlos
  • Hosters like ourselves and I hear guys from crystal, discount, etc.
  • Microsoft Superstars like our buddies Joe Healy, Russ Fustino and Scott Hanselman.
  • The guys from BVsoftware / BVcommerce.
    This is going to my first year attending MIX but I’m told it’s the event to be at for Web technologies on the Microsoft Platform (which is pretty much everyone).
    Oh and if you’re in South Florida and heading out, Joe has a great post on his DevFish ( ><<<(o>) site.

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