CrazyTalk Videos Part 2

So I don’t feel that my first CrazyTalk video, the video below with me talking like Bill Clinton really did CrazyTalk any justice as to show just how great of an app it is and how realistic the video can appear, although it’s funny as hell. So I’ve uploaded another video of a buddy of mine who has a strong admiration for Dusty Rhodes (A super-hero among men who possesses the only bionic elbow ever known to mankind .. Yes we grew up watching Florida Championship Wrestling and Dusty is one of those bigger than life childhood heros and as kids every saturday afternoon we tuned in to see just what would happen next.). Anyway, this little demo was put together using CrazyTalk and then exported to SWF using flash-video-mx. I then imported into my blog very easily using WP-SWFObject.

The audio from the video was taken from a video off of, converted to WAV and then imported into CrazyTalk.

Ladies & Gentlemen, I give you Putz as Dusty Rhodes



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