Last week myself and Carlos Caneja spoke on webhosting and how it relates to e-commerce applications at the aspdotnetstorefront / interprise suite, “Connections Business Technology Conference”. If you’re not familiar with what interprise and aspdotnetstorefront are doing, these two companies have been working together to bring a complete CRM/ERP solution that integrates with an e-Commerce application online. It’s quite exciting to see the work they’re doing and the other companies they’re partnered with. The image on the left is that of myself, Rob from aspdotnetstorefront and Carlos.
This was an excellent opportunity for us to meet with a segment of our core customerbase (businesses and developers that specailize in ecommerce on the platform) and discuss the issues that they face on a regular basis. This also gave us an opportunity to showcase how webhosting has evolved over the past 9 years and show examples of this with our own product offerings and their own evolution.
Carlos & I split the talk with Carlos leading the discussion on dedicated hosting and what’s best practices today with dedicated hosting and then demonstrating what’s to come with IIS7. I spent time discussing shared hosting and how it’s evolved and how it continues to evolve thanks to virtual private server hosting on Windows 2003.
If I had to pick two things from my portion of the talk that really stood out it would be VPS hosting and the exciting impact it’s having on webhosting and that the simple issues are what concern today’s hosting customer.
I hope to blog soon about all the information we picked up from our various discussions and will be posting links to all of the conference presentations.