Web Applications

There’s a new database option available for PHP, It’s called SQL2005

Ever since Bill Staples first blogged about the collaborative work Microsoft was doing with Zend to improve PHP stability and performance on IIS, I’ve been giddy as a school girl. Having run a core component of the AppliedI.net infrastructure that makes use of PHP and MySQL on IIS7 and making use of FastCGI and the

There’s a new database option available for PHP, It’s called SQL2005 Read More »

Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) File Extractor

We recently needed a way to extract files from a sharepoint site’s document libraries. With sharepoint all the files are stored in a SQL database so it would seem connecting to the database and pulling all the files out manually wouldn’t be such a hard thing to do. After a fair amount of time googling for

Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS) File Extractor Read More »

Are You Getting ViewState Errors like: “The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted.”

If you’re seeing viewstate errors like “The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted” here’s the dealio.  For security ASP.NET encrypts the viewstate using an Autogenerated Key that is generated when your application pool (or worker process) is started. At AppliedI.net (and many hosts today) each website is placed in a unique

Are You Getting ViewState Errors like: “The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted.” Read More »

Are You Getting ViewState Errors like: "The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted."

If you’re seeing viewstate errors like “The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted” here’s the dealio.  For security ASP.NET encrypts the viewstate using an Autogenerated Key that is generated when your application pool (or worker process) is started. At AppliedI.net (and many hosts today) each website is placed in a unique

Are You Getting ViewState Errors like: "The viewstate is invalid for this page and might be corrupted." Read More »

How Microsoft UK got hacked and how you can learn from their mistakes

I subscribe to windowsecurity.com‘s newsletter which is actually a pretty good read. Today’s newsletter has an article about the Microsoft UK Events Website getting defaced and goes into great detail to show just how the site was compromised. In a nutshell, they used SQL Injection and the fact that the web.config was configured to display

How Microsoft UK got hacked and how you can learn from their mistakes Read More »

Free Blogs courtesy of webmastersdepot.com

My friends at webmastersdepot.com have been awesome. I’ve been helping them out with their VPS and the configuration of their applications and recently helped them setup wordpress mu.  WordPress MU is a blogging application built around wordpress (greatest blogging app available) that allows you to create a blogger.com, livespaces.com, wordpress.com (in fact it powers wordpress.com)

Free Blogs courtesy of webmastersdepot.com Read More »

Smartermail, Spamassassin, Virtuozzo VPSs

A follow up to Smartertools answers the cry on the fight against spam with smartermail 4.0. Alot of clients have been asking about how we’re handling spamassassin with Smartermail 4.0.  It’s no secret that spamassassin on a windows server runs horribly slow. If more than a handful of domains are involved I have no doubt

Smartermail, Spamassassin, Virtuozzo VPSs Read More »

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