Web Technologies

AppliedI.net and IIS7 on Windows Server Core 2008

This week at Tech-Ed Bob Muglia announced that IIS7 would be supported as a role in Windows Server Core 2008. If you’re not familiar with Server Core, it’s a trimmed down version of Windows Server 2008 with just the bare minimum bits needed to run. Over the past few months we’ve had the great pleasure here […]

AppliedI.net and IIS7 on Windows Server Core 2008 Read More »

Smartertools answers the cry for help in the war on spam with SmarterMail 4.0

A few months ago we were invited by the smartertools team to become a beta tester for Smartermail 4.0. The biggest change in Smartermail 4.0 for us is the improved spam fighting techniques.  With the earlier versions of Smartermail, RBL checks and bayesian filtering was released, unfortunately spammers were already aware of bayesian filtering and had

Smartertools answers the cry for help in the war on spam with SmarterMail 4.0 Read More »

FrontPage retires – Microsoft Expression Web is born and so begins the evolution of FrontPage hosting

The birth of a hosting company In 1999 when Applied Innovations was first launched, it didn’t really take off like a rocket ship as one would hope.   You see, I started on the Internet around 1991-1992 via FTP, Telnet, Usenet and ahh my long forgotten friend Gopher.  I remember firing up one of the very earliest

FrontPage retires – Microsoft Expression Web is born and so begins the evolution of FrontPage hosting Read More »

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS!

Microsoft & Zend have partnered up to improve PHP performance on IIS (yet again!). Today on Bill Staples blog he talks about the great improvements being made: http://blogs.iis.net/bills/archive/2006/10/31/PHP-on-IIS.aspx and really goes in depth with a nice demo on performance improvements being made. He has some nice screen captures, etc.   For me though, the best part is that

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS! Read More »

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS!

Microsoft & Zend have partnered up to improve PHP performance on IIS (yet again!). Today on Bill Staples blog he talks about the great improvements being made: http://blogs.iis.net/bills/archive/2006/10/31/PHP-on-IIS.aspx and really goes in depth with a nice demo on performance improvements being made. He has some nice screen captures, etc.   For me though, the best part is that

Microsoft & Zend give PHP a kickstart on IIS .. FastCGI for IIS! Read More »

Read that EULA & PUR! That’s what I learned today!

I recently posted a blog entry about my ‘informal’ apples to oranges comparison of the different virtualization platforms available for windows. Apparently I didn’t spell it out clear enough that things were not on a level playing field.  Well, guys I did it. I went and pissed off Bob. Sorry Bob. But Bob taught me

Read that EULA & PUR! That’s what I learned today! Read More »

Read that EULA & PUR! That’s what I learned today!

I recently posted a blog entry about my ‘informal’ apples to oranges comparison of the different virtualization platforms available for windows. Apparently I didn’t spell it out clear enough that things were not on a level playing field.  Well, guys I did it. I went and pissed off Bob. Sorry Bob. But Bob taught me

Read that EULA & PUR! That’s what I learned today! Read More »

Which VPS platform is the fastest? Benchmarking Virtuozzo, VMWare and Microsoft Virtual Server on Windows.

I’ve pulled the article until I have time to properly benchmark all three systems on identical hardware, hopefully after the holidays.  Although I used different hardware, I firmly believe my numbers provided a reasonable estimate of what performance you would see using identical hardware.   I’d had verbal feedback from others that in fact they saw

Which VPS platform is the fastest? Benchmarking Virtuozzo, VMWare and Microsoft Virtual Server on Windows. Read More »

Are your website images going to get you sued, fined or jailed?

The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (or DMCA), we developed to protect the intellectual property of copyright holders from copyright infringement. As a webhosting provider, we commonly deal with DMCA notices on an almost daily basis.  The most common DMCA notice we’ll receive is from a product manufacturer when an online ecommerce discount website will sell products

Are your website images going to get you sued, fined or jailed? Read More »

Free Windows Desktop PDF Generation Tool.

PrimoPDF, a free windows based application for printing any document to PDF files was create by activePDF.  PrimoPDF is based off of the AFPL Ghostscript and Redmon opensource applications and is licensed under the Aladdin Free Public License (AFPL).  You may be wondering, if it’s using opensource tools why don’t I go and just download

Free Windows Desktop PDF Generation Tool. Read More »

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