Cool Stuff

6 FREE (or cheap) Great Tools for Monitoring your Social Networking Marketing

I’ve been evaluating various tools to monitor our social network marketing and came across a nice set of tools I thought I’d share.  If you have tools you use on a regular basis that you’d recommend please feel free to leave a comment here. #1 HootSuite: Monitoring multiple Twitter accounts Hootsuite ( is a tool

6 FREE (or cheap) Great Tools for Monitoring your Social Networking Marketing Read More »

Lonely? Waiting for someone to write about your site? Looking for Link-Love? Now you can buy link-love! is a pretty interesting concept. You pay bloggers to write permanent blog articles about a page/product on your site. These articles get distributed, spidered and links all over and you get instant link love. What’s this mean? Hrm how about Increased PageRank, Trust, Brand Recognition and oh yes LINK LOVE BABY! Let’s face it

Lonely? Waiting for someone to write about your site? Looking for Link-Love? Now you can buy link-love! Read More »

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