
Windows Hosting or Linux Hosting? Which runs PHP Faster?

This is one of those questions everyone and their brother tries to answer and it seems in the 10 years we’ve been offering web hosting at the question is still the same and the answers are still the same BS 10 year old answers.. Typically you hear responses from the advocates of Linux over Windows […]

Windows Hosting or Linux Hosting? Which runs PHP Faster? Read More »

There’s a new database option available for PHP, It’s called SQL2005

Ever since Bill Staples first blogged about the collaborative work Microsoft was doing with Zend to improve PHP stability and performance on IIS, I’ve been giddy as a school girl. Having run a core component of the infrastructure that makes use of PHP and MySQL on IIS7 and making use of FastCGI and the

There’s a new database option available for PHP, It’s called SQL2005 Read More »

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