Getting My Blog Cleaned Up for 2017
Let’s face it running your blog can be a bit of a chore, especially when…
Moving Windows “My Documents” to OneDrive
With the drive to the cloud Microsoft has done away with their Migration wizard that…
Should I load Repetier on My DaVinci?
As I’ve blogged earlier I purchased a Da Vinci 1.0 3D printer and thought for…
The Dirty Secret of 3D Printing No One Tells You
It took me a solid two years to finally cough up the coin for a…
Initial Results Running DNN Redis on Awesome.Net
At Applied Innovations we’ve been huge advocates of the DNN platform and over the past…
Using Slic3r and the XYZ Printing Da Vinci 1.0
3D printing is opening up a world of possibilities across the globe. With a 3D…