Author name: Jess

With a background in web development and web server administration dating back to 1994, Jess Coburn founded Applied Innovations in 1999. As CEO, he led the company to become a recognized leader in Windows Hosting, specializing in ASP.NET, E-Commerce, and advanced web application hosting. Under Jess's leadership, Applied Innovations became known for making cutting-edge technology accessible and affordable for businesses. Building on this success, Jess expanded his vision by founding QIT Solutions, a managed cloud, IT, and cybersecurity company, where he continues to leverage his extensive industry experience to deliver innovative and secure IT solutions to businesses.

The easy way to create your first WordPress Theme.

Tired of trying to find just the right wordpress theme? There’s millions of them to choose from afterall. Would love to create your own but have less artistic talent now than you did in Kindergarten with a box of busted chunks of crayolas? (You know what I’m talking about. First week of school you had

The easy way to create your first WordPress Theme. Read More »

I speak your language thanks to the Microsoft Translator Widget

While at MIX, I learned about the Microsoft Translator. It’s a website widget you add on your site and allows your visitors to select their preferred language and then translates the page into that language. I had a wordpress plugin at one time that did this but quit using it (I don’t recall why, I

I speak your language thanks to the Microsoft Translator Widget Read More »

Applied Innovations Nominated for asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards

Applied Innovations is among only 16 hosters recently nominated for the asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice awards. The voting ends 4/25 (just days away!). You can vote today by clicking on the image in this post or visiting: You’ll find the hosting category on the second page of the survey/poll and you don’t have to

Applied Innovations Nominated for asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards Read More »

Applied Innovations Nominated for asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards

Applied Innovations is among only 16 hosters recently nominated for the asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice awards. The voting ends 4/25 (just days away!). You can vote today by clicking on the image in this post or visiting: You’ll find the hosting category on the second page of the survey/poll and you don’t have to

Applied Innovations Nominated for asp.netPRO Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards Read More »

Enabling WP Super Cache for WordPress on Windows Hosting

PHP on Windows Server is gaining great popularity thanks to Windows Hosts that support PHP like us (Applied Innovations), the work Microsoft and Zend are doing together to make PHP even faster on Windows and the large number of PHP developers that realize Apache represents only a piece of the total website/ webserver market out

Enabling WP Super Cache for WordPress on Windows Hosting Read More »

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