Hello World! My First Blog Post

The first official geek log er… um… uh… I mean blog post will be on this blog application. The blog is using Community Server by Telligent Systems and blog hosting by Applied Innovations. To create the blog was pretty simply thanks to the AppliedI.net support team:

1. I simply had a SQL2000 database created for me.
2. I uploaded the contents of the community server web folder to my wwwroot folder and opened a support ticket to have my web user given full permissions on the blogs and photos folders.
3. I edited the file installer/default.aspx and changed the line: bool INSTALLER_ENABLED = false; to: bool INSTALLER_ENABLED = true; to enable the installer.
4. I browsed to https://jesscoburn.com/installer/default.aspx and ran through the wizard.
5. After the wizard finished I created a blog group named myblogs and a blog within the group named myblog
6. I then created a gallery group named mygallerys and a gallery named myphotos
7. I headed over to: http://www.qgyen.net/csaddins/singlesite/ I edited Blog Url to blogs instead of blog and left all the other settings as default and clicked the generate! button (I was able to leave it as default because I had created my blog and gallery with the same names it uses by default).
8. I copy and pasted the output of this script into my SiteUrls.Config file replacing the content in it and that was it. My blog and gallery now lives.

Enjoy and if you decide to create a blog I hope you select Applied Innovations (www.appliedi.net) as your hosting provider as they provide low cost, affordable asp.net hosting on the windows 2003 platform and have extensive experience helping web developers setup and host communityserver blogs.


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